What’s in a name.

Out of my love of others was born the name Shepherd Design & Brand. A shepherd knows and cares about each one their sheep. Likewise, I get to know each person I work for and with, which leads to developing a relationship built on trust, support, and authenticity. The logo represents the sheep that aren’t like the others, as that is how I view myself, and that is how I approach my design projects—how can I make this project stand out in an overcrowded marketplace and how can I get this messaging in front of the intended audience. The name and the look are meant to serve as my appreciation and value in the diversity of others, in collaboration, and in design.

My Values

Examine the data.

Data drives design. Data shows results. Look at the facts first, then form your approach.

Always be curious.

Curiosity leads to discovery. I believe there are many routes to the same destination.

Do not be afraid to try.

There is power in trying. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail, but from it all comes knowledge.


Have fun, laugh, and joke.

Life is not meant to be so serious all the time. Enjoy life and those around you.


In order to hear and learn, you must actively listen. There are many parts to it—inflection, body language, intention.

Allow time to decompress.

Take time to step away from it all and recharge. Everyone benefits from this simple approach.

My Strengths and Passions

Creative Management

Brand Champion

Relationship Development

Art Direction

Project Management

Marketing Strategy

Team Development

Budget Oversight

Process Refinement